One question I dealt with was, "Did God give me this disease, and if so, why?" To answer this question, i have to go way back to the beginning of time. When God created everything - it was all good. Things didn't get bad until the fall of man through disobedience to God. That was when pain and suffering became the norm. Disease became possible, but God was not the author of it. He did however respond to the mess man had made of everything by taking disastrous circumstances, and somehow bringing goodness into existence through them.
Disease and dysfunction were not His design. I believe they became tools of the devil to inflict misery on man - the object of God's love.
So, the answer to the question is : No! God did not give me this disease. Can He brting beauty from the ashes of P. D.? Yes, He can.
Disease is like a fire - burning everything it touches - unraveling design - leaving cinders that turn to ashes. Man made this possible. Man has the power to destroy - to disassemble, but not to stir the ashes and call forth beauty. The devil means it for our destruction and harm, but God works the same for our good.
Amen Anna!! Genesis 50:20 is my life verse. Joseph is talking to his brothers who had betrayed him earlier in his life, and he says to them "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." God's purpose for each of us is interwoven with even the evil that the enemy of our souls administers upon us. Did God create the evil? Of course not. But Satan must get our Lord's permission for everything that He does. The miracle is that NO EVIL act or circumstance is able to thwart God's perfect and immutable will and plan for good. In that, I give Him all the glory!
Love you!
You are beuatiful Anna :) and I am so grateful to know you, you are a blessing to all <3
Love from a sister in Christ,
This picture of yours always stuns me. You are a gift from the Lord to so many! It is my privilege to count you as a friend and sister in Christ!
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