Sunday, December 19, 2010

His Comfort

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." (Matthew 5:4)

I have on many occassions mourned certain losses, and some of those losses are associated with Parkinson's disease. I have known the pure joy of moving effortlessly across a room or moving in perfect time to music.... and those are things that I am not so good at as I used to be. There are many things that I'm not so good at any more. I feel the loss of these things, but it's all good in the end. My Lord offers sweet comfort and I draw close to Him as He pours out His loving Spirit upon me. Think about it! The God of all creation - the Creator of all that there is - the One who sustains every living thing that there is.......... It is HE who comforts me. I have His affections. His eye is on me!
The sadness and grief and mourning for whatever it may be, becomes almost sweet as I receive comfort from the One who matters most of all. Ponder this. Meditate upon it. My pain is followed by the comfort of the one and only God. Words cannot begin to describe how this satisfies, delights, calms and quiets me.


betty said...

It is comforting indeed! I know when I have gone through tough periods in my life (nothing like what you are living with), I had pictures in my mind of Jesus carrying me on his shoulders like a lamb or in his hands, giving me strength and comfort to go on. I clung to a lot of his promises of never leaving me, never forsaking me, meeting my needs, that my hair was counted, that he collected every tear, etc. It is a very comforting thought.

In case you don't post between now and Christmas, I hope you have a Merry Christmas and that it is a kind one for you and yours.


Rich said...

"Think about it! The God of all creation - the Creator of all that there is - the One who sustains every living thing that there is.......... It is HE who comforts me. I have His affections. His eye is on me!" These are wonderful words, Anna. Thank you again for encouraging me to keep my eyes on the author and perfecter of my faith---Jesus! May He be praised!