Sunday, April 3, 2011

Praise Him in the Night

It's one thing to praise God when things are going the way you want them to. It's easy to praise when things are agreeable to you. But to praise God in the night - the night of sickness; the night of loneliness; or the long night of fear.... to praise in the darkness of pain or need; to praise when all you can see is confusing and discouraging - this is faith. This is pleasing to God. God's enemies will flee and He will draw near.

"Praise the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, who serve in the Lord's temple during the night. Lift your hands toward the sanctuary and praise the Lord...." (Psalms 134)


Linda said...

Anna, I was just talking to a friend about the joy that comes when we praise the Lord even in the storm :) He is faithful and Good always ...even when we don't feel or see it <3 Thank you for sharing, love you dear sister in Christ xo

Anna said...

Thank you for your comment, Linda. I say, "Amen!"
Love you too......