All of us have 2 choices when we need the strength or wherewithall to do something. We can choose to draw on our physical strength that is in our body or ask God to empower us with His power to get the job done.
Well, those of us who have PD know just how frustrating it is to not have the physical strength to do what we want to do. We know what we want to do, but strength is lacking. A simple task, like writing a letter, or going to the bathroom may be altogether overwhelming because we cannot manage without help. So we learn to accept the help of others and we are grateful.
I think learning how to do that is a huge thing. It is what a life of faith in God calls for: In a Believer's life, he knows what he needs to do and how he needs to live, but is totally unable to do this in his own strength. The Believer learns to plug into God, and carry out His will through His power. We do the things He wants, in the way that He wants it, when He wants it.
Doesn't that sound familiar? With PD one learns to circumvent our own power, which was limited to begin with, and engage God's power which is the very same power that raised Jesus from the dead! In our inability to get things done, we learn to wait on God and listen to Him. We learn that our own way is not always best. We learn how to handle the answer to our prayers when it is NO. So, you see, those of us with PD have a head start when it comes to living for God. Once again, I say that PD is a very good teacher, though it 's unappreciated in the present.
Take advantage of the valuable lessons you have learned in your disability. Don 't let this experience go to waste. "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." James 4:8
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